Saturday, February 14, 2009

On Valentine's Day, some heart-warming news

Finally, some economic news we can feel good about: $10 billion is coming towards Florida very soon, thanks to the stimulus package just approved by lawmakers.
It’s good that they recognize the fact that our state has been beleaguered with money woes for a long time. We have the highest home foreclosure rate in the nation; Tampa Bay alone has lost more jobs than in any other area of the state. Major retail chains have pulled out of the area, or simply shut their doors.
So if anyone needs a bailout, it’s us.
A large chunk of that, just over $4 billion, will go to bolster Medicaid, good news for families relying on that extra help to make it day to day.
Gov. Crist has promised that $1.3 billion will be for transportation projects around the state. Those road construction projects in the Tampa Bay area, like the I-4/Crosstown corridor and the 118th Avenue extension in Pinellas, can push forward, meaning thousands of jobs will open up.
The package also means tax breaks for those who purchase their first home, buy a new car, or make certain energy saving upgrades to their house. And millions of workers will start seeing more money in their paychecks this summer, as the $400 tax credit for individuals takes hold around June. Couples will get $800. Low-income families will get a $1,000 child tax credit. And folks getting unemployment won’t have to pay taxes on the first $2,400 they receive.
And, those who lost their health insurance along with their jobs because they could not afford to pay the full premiums will also benefit from this recovery plan. For the first nine months, the government will cover 65 percent of that cost.
Money will also go to help out law enforcement agencies put more officers on the street. Pell Grants for college students will increase up to $5,550 by the 2010-1011 school year.
All good news, a nice heart-warmer on Valentine’s Day.
This stimulus package will jack up the National debt, however. I don’t know about you, but I’m a little more concerned with my personal debt right now than the nation’s. However foolhardy that may be.
Thank goodness this is coming now, and it won’t be a wait-and-see situation. Our state’s in crisis, so this will be a welcome rescue.
Now if we can only get through that pesky hurricane season…

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