Saturday, October 18, 2008

$450 raised for Friends of Strays would like to thank Dee, owner of Rose Garden Boutique, and all the great people who came to our party in Dunedin today. We raised almost $450 (!!) and lots of merchandise for a great cause, the Friends of Strays in Pinellas County.

A special thanks also goes out to Chip Marshall of the Broadway Training Institute in Dunedin for bringing along the Broadway Babies.

From the school's Web site: The Institute provides professional vocal training, film acting, dance and stagecraft. Students learn by doing, as the Broadway Training Institute also produces shows for the Human Rights Group Inc, the Junior Storytellers, Artistry Players, the Pinellas County Public Libraries, and other organizations.

We know you're here for our pictures, not our exceptionally well-crafted chatter, so here they are:

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